
Speeches are designed to meet the interests and needs of each audience.

Sample Speech Topics:

  • Motivating Teachers to Educate the Heart:
    Our nation faces a severe teacher shortage and teachers are leaving the profession at alarming rates. This speech has been credited for renewing the passion for teachers to teach. The audience leaves this session with strategies to empower students and to find value in their work.
  • Learning to F.A.I.L: Facing Adversity In Life
    This session challenges practices that shield children and adults from overcoming obstacles in life. The audience leaves this session with an understanding that a prerequisite for sustained success in life is the ability to learn from the failures.
  • Unlocking Your Organization’s Fullest Potential
    Continuous Improvement should be the focus of every person, family and organization. There are proven strategies that will allow an organization to reach its goals. The audience leaves this session with strategies to align vision and mission for all members of the organization.

Student Empowerment Series:

  • Empowering Communities to Empower Students
    There is a reason you can not find an underperforming school in a thriving community. This session is designed to increase student efficacy and agency to make a positive impact on their community. A stronger community will create a stronger child.
  • Turning Potential into Action
    Some of our students have not experienced enough success to believe in themselves and their abilities. This session reminds students of the power they have to turn potential energy into positive motion. Students walk away from this session with leadership skills to empower themselves to create and reach their goals.
  • Measuring the Metrics that Matter
    This message reminds educators, students and the community about the true purpose of education and the responsibility we all have to build a better tomorrow from our service today. This session reviews the major tenants of the HeartEd framework. The audience leaves this session with an understanding that when you educate the heart, you empower the child

Photo Courtesy of teacher, Jed Dearybury @mrdearybury, attending SC Teacher Renewal Winter Conference, November 16, 2018.
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